At the times of the traumatic event, strong emotions interfere with our ability to completely process the experience and one moment becomes “frozen in time”. Recalling the traumatic events may feel as though the person is reliving the event all over again because the image, smell, sound, and feeling are still there and can be triggered in the present. When activated these memories cause a negative impact on our daily functioning and interfere with the way we see ourselves and our world, and how we relate to others.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy appears to directly affect the brain, “unfreezing” the traumatic memories, allowing you to resolve them. Over time the disturbing memories and associated beliefs, feelings, and sensations become “digested” or worked through until you are able to think about the event without reliving it. The memories are still there, but it is far less upsetting.
EMDR is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experience. The therapy involves attention to 3-time persons: past, present, and future. The focus is given to past disturbing memories and related events. Also, it is given to the current situation that causes distress and to developing the skills and attitudes needed for positive future action. With EMDR therapy, these items are addressed using an eight-phase treatment approach.
Scientific research has established EMDR as effective for post-traumatic stress. However, clinicians also have reported success using EMDR in treatment of the following conditions: Panic attacks, Complicated grief, Dissociative disorders, Disturbing memories, Phobias, Pain disorders, Performance anxiety, Stress reduction, Addictions, Sexual and/or Physical abuse, and disordered eating.